Community Notifications
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The Child Nutrition and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Reauthorization Act of 2004 requires all educational entities participating in the National School Lunch Program to establish local school wellness policies. In 2010, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (the Act) regulations added Section 9A to expand upon the previous local wellness policy requirement from the Reauthorization. The 2010 legislation strengthens wellness policies by emphasizing ongoing implementation and assessment. This provision also supports a robust process at the community level, including the expansion of the team of collaborators participating in the wellness policy development. This approach is intended to foster broad-based support for effective wellness policies. Components the Wellness Policy Law:
The following organizations have a wealth of wellness policy information:
Smart Snack Product Calculator
Members of the Wellness Committee:
- Heath Olstad
- Darla Ebner
- Emily Kiehne
- Jim Peters
- Keeley Todd
- Angi Kaase
- Andrew Pederson
- Chris Mensink
- Melissa Simonson